a to z talent hunt is provide a platform to a person who had talent end want to present his talent to all over world and become a famous and earn some money our motive is to get best talented person become a famous


A to z talent hunt motive is get back the hidden talent of person and make him famous

A to Z Talent Hunt role is provide a platform and give a space where are talented person so his talent and use of his talent become a famous human being in global and justified his talent to the world



A Visitor role :

Visitor role is to watching a different different type of talent video and give his opinion by liking the challenge

Participant role:

Participate role is make his talent video and registered as a participant and upload his video on a to z talent hunt and earn Pacific income by using his talent and advertisement platform

Business advertisement platform roll 

Businessman who is interested to promote his business on a to z talent hunt is using this platform and his business image or video and become a part of a to z talent hunt advertisement platform user

View advertisement platform role:

 in this platform advertiser can can see his advertisement views to know his advertisement status
